
Business Process : Local literature monitoring is required to monitor articles for safety reporting in local journals which are not indexed in global databases.

Conventional Approach : Local literature monitoring is a laborious task which requires manual search of each journal website to monitor articles related to specific drugs of interest. These searches have to be performed on a weekly basis. In most cases, no articles are found related to a drug but the search must be performed and can be very resource intensive.

Our Automation Solution : ReseAIrcher automates the search of local journal sites for drug-specific search. This allows users to focus only on the journals where relevant articles were found.

How does it work : Using a list of local journal sites, search period and drug terms as input, ReseAIrcher performs an automated search of the journal sites and identifies the journals where relevant articles were found within the search period. Once these articles are found, they can be submitted to TriAIger for detection of relevance for ICSR and other Safety Reporting.

Our search tool has a translation capability and can work with journal sites in multiple languages

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